This was posted on one of my Katrina boards—I went to the Website and they do say in their section on euthanization that for a small fee, they will NOT sell the animal for research!  I know they are not the only animal control facility that does this but for folks in MI, a heads up!


-----Original Message-----
Sunday, March 26, 2006 3:26 PM
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Eric Rice; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Kathryn Bloomfield
Subject: [svlegal] Do We Have Katrinas Here


I just received this email from Peggy, of my local rottie rescue group.  I don't know if they took in any Katrina pets, but thought I would post just in case.




Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 10:27 AM

Subject: Fw: Animals sold to research from Michigan shelter



PLEASE SPEAK OUT ON THIS!!!!!!  Crosspost, call and write the shelter and any city officials we can find  to stop the selling of shelter animals for experiments.......


----- Original Message -----

Subject: Purebred senior GSD and other animals sold to research/Michigan


Owners must pay fee up front to "insure" their animal is euth'd.  Otherwise, it is sold to reseach lab.  I assume all strays end up being experimented on......Please crosspost everywhere. Thank you!  If pets cannot be pulled, then maybe fees could be called in and paid to have them euth'd.  very sad.


Jackson Co. Michigan Animal Control

2004 Blackstone
Jackson, Michigan, 49203

Phone: (517) 788-4464
Fax: (517) 780-4750
Office: Monday through Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
No money transactions will be started

Kennel: Monday through Friday
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Co. govt. website)

It has recently been publicized that Jackson County Animal Control Shelter has a high kill rate and that we sell animals to Class B research facilities. We wish to re-enforce to the public that we do everything we can to find homes for the animals that are in our facility.
As of July 2003 there has been 933 dogs and 1,583 cats turned into the shelter. Of these animals 560 dogs and 146 cats have been picked up by an Animal Control Officer. Thankfully, 80 of these animals were claimed/returned to their owners, and the adoption rate, for animals available for adoption, was at 30% as of July 2003. This is an amazing figure for Jackson County Animal Control Shelter since in the previous year the adoption rate for the entire year was 31%.

It costs about $16.36 dollars to euthanize and cremate a 50 pound dog, which is the size that is usually taken by research. It cost about $3.42 dollars to euthanize and cremate a 8 pound cat, which is the size that is usually taken by research. It is a fact of life, revenue must be generated in order to keep a facility operational. One way that
Jackson County Animal Control Shelter is able to produce revenue is by selling certain animals to research. By selling select animals to research we have been able to generate over $4,000 in revenue over the 2002 - 2003 years. Where the cost of euthanization and cremation would have been over $6,000.

We at the Jackson County Animal Control Shelter respect the thoughts and/or feelings of the public on this matter. Therefore we find it is important to stress that not all animals that come to the Jackson County Animal Control are sold to research. No animal is sold to research until all other avenues have been exhausted within the holding period to find these animals a home including adoption to the public, rescue groups, US Customs, Paw for a Cause and human societies. Additionally, if an animal is turned into the Jackson Animal Control Shelter the person dropping off the animal is given the option of paying a fee to ensure that the animal will not be sold to research.

We hope you find our website useful.
Jackson County Government strives to provide service to the people we are privileged to serve.

Contact Jackson County Today With Your Comments or Questions!





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