Unfortuneatly I have experienced this.  When my husband and I first moved
into our house, my little furgirl was upset.  She would pee on the bed while
we were gone at work.  Then, a couple of times, she peed on my head while I
was sleeping.  I finally figured out what was wrong- she felt she wasn't
getting enough attention.  Once I started making her my first priority when
I came home, she finally stopped.

----- Original Message -----
From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 9:54 AM
Subject: OT - Humiliating experience with my cat

> Hi guys,
> Well, last night I had a humiliating experience with
> our geriatric kitty, Julie, who has hyperthyroidism
> and is on meds for that.  After I got off work, I sat
> down on the couch to eat dinner around 9 pm.  Julie
> jumped up on the couch, backed her little butt up to
> me, and peed all over my back, my hair, and the couch.
>  I do believe she did it on purpose, because when I
> shot up off the couch, she ran over to her chicken
> broth bowl in the kitchen and started meowing.  It
> hurt my feelings and made me angry that she would do
> this.  I have never even heard of a cat doing anything
> like this.  Has anyone heard of something like this,
> or had any experience with this type of situation?
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Wendy
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