Effie was FeLV+ when I found her at 3 months old and was on daily interferon (alpha) and Lysine from about 4 months old.  Her life was short as expected for a positive fm birth (the younger the shorter life for FeLV) but she lived it with great gusto.  Seven more months was more than we expected, I feel blessed. She was given chemo but not as aggressively as some regimens, which was my choice to take the "middle road" with her treatment.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: KATIE

That doesn't give me much hope, as Katie is 11 years old, but I can hope for the best.  How long are they on the chemo? Was she also treated with interferon for the FeLV?

"Del H. Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am sorry your Katie may have lymphoma.  My Effie, FeLV+, developed a chest mass, lymphoma, at 2-1/2 years old.  Without chemo kicking butt on Friday she would not have lived through the weekend ... she lived well for another seven months on chemo.  She went into remission quickly and all her tumors shrunk.  When she went out of remission the cancer hit hard and the next chemo we tried did not work on her and she did have side effects then and I lost my precious baby.  Those extra seven months were wonderful.  She had almost no side effects and was a happy girl ... as was her mommy :)  Happy thoughts and prayers for you and your Katie.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 8:09 PM
Subject: KATIE

I just got back from the vet, they found fluid that was pressing on her esophagus, making it hard for her to swallow.  Now they see a mass in one of her lymphglands, and I am waiting for results of the tests.  If she has lymphoma, they suggest chemotherapy treatment. If she also has FeLV, would this weaken her system more? Can she also get FelV treatment at the same time? I am very worried about her, she ate today, but sleeps a lot more.  Please pray for her and that she gets the help she needs.

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