Hey guys,

I wanted to update you on the little kitty that I
adopted.  I decided to name her "Smookie" after a
black cat that my brothers had when they were younger
and who disappeared too soon after they got her. 
Smookie went to the vet yesterday to get spayed.  Her
spay went well.  She was up this morning eating and
drinking and going potty and playing.  Just normal
kitty business.  She seems fine.  I was a little
panicked to see that Marylyn had lost two of her
babies four days after she had them spayed, so I will
be watching Smookie closely these next few days.  It's
amazing how much she reminds me of Cricket.  This
morning she flopped her legs behind her while laying
on the bed, just like Cricket did.  Some of you might
think I'm crazy, but if you saw what I see, you might
actually consider that Cricket is somehow a part of

As far as my life goes otherwise, I could use some
prayers.  I am feeling a huge amount of stress right
now.  There are only 6 more days of tax season left, 5
of which I have to work (in addition to my regular
full time job), and they are talking about drawing
straws for who will work on Easter.  Last night I got
home at 9:45 and I have a feeling the rest of the week
will be the same way.  In retrospect, the cost of
spending so much time away from my family has not been
worth it, but I cannot just quit at this point.  At
the same time, my husband and I are tiling almost
our entire house.  We are trying to get most of it
done before I have surgery on my feet on the 25th
because I will be down for several weeks and will not
be able to help him much.  I am also a little nervous
about having my surgery, although very happy I'm
getting it done since I've had chronic pain for years
with both feet.  In addition to all of this, I just
got an email from one of my nephew's teachers telling
me he has been acting out recently at school, like he
did when he was first enrolled last fall.  I have
noticed some of the same behavior at home.  I know
part of it is that I have been gone a lot working
this second job, but most of it is most likely because
he is feeling anxiety at having to go back to live
with his mom as soon as school is out.  He does not
want to go.  I am going to be heartbroken when he
leaves.  If I knew he would be going somewhere where
he would get the attention and love he deserves, it
would be ok.  But I know he's not, and it breaks my
heart, and I honestly don't know how I'm going to deal
with him leaving.  So all in all, I pretty much feel
like I'm going to fall apart at any minute.  Your
prayers right now would be invaluable.

Thanks for caring guys,

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