That's wonderful news about Smokey! How long does the vet intend to keep him on Winstrol? I know there are people that treat with equistim, (Immuno Regulin), as a preventative, but because it is a bacteria used to stimulate the immune response, I would think it wouldn't be something that you would want to keep Smokey on indefinitely either. Please tell us more about the protocol you and your vet have chosen for Smokey.

cindy reasoner wrote:

Hi, My Smokey has been on equistim for about 2 months
now.  He had been tested for felv when I first got him
and it was negative but after about a month he started
getting fevers.  After alot of medications to get the
fever down only to have it go back up again the vet
decided to check for felv again.  This time it was
positive.  This vet didn't seem to be the best at
handling felv+ kitties so I changed vets.  The new vet
started him on the equistim.  The first week I believe
he got an injection for 4 or 5 days and now he gets 2
injections a week.  He gets them subq.  The vet lets
me give them to him at home.  He also goes to the vet
every 2 weeks to get an injection of Winstrol.  He has
been doing great.  He hasn't had a fever since we
started him on the equistim.  He is gaining weight and
has started playing now.  He has a great appetite.  I
hope this helps.


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