Hey Jen,

Man, I know that awful feeling of going to a job(s)
that you hate!!!  It is a horrible feeling.  I'm right
there with you at this point in my life.  And then
getting into trouble on top of that...  I read a book
last month called "Who Moved My Cheese" and it helped
me, because my attitude really stunk.  I'm not saying
yours does.  But when I'm not happy with my life, my
attitude is not as positive, and this book helped me
with that.  Also, there's another book called "48 days
to the Work You Love" which you might look into.  It
doesn't sound like you have much time to read, but
maybe you could read to Zack.  He might like to hear
about mice.  lol.  I don't know how shelter
employees/volunteers do what they do either.  It IS
heartbreaking, and I can't understand how people
surrender their pets either.  But I know this.  In
time, all will work itself out.  Just be patient and
gentle with yourself, and don't lose hope.  If you
need to vent, I'm always here.


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