
i can relate to how your feeling right now. i fosterd 12 kittens, 4 of which the humane society had finally taken back to try and adopt about 6 months of age and after paying for food, medical bills ect and all kinds of hassles through out the 8 we had left tested posative for FeLV and my children and i were told they would be euthanized the following day. the anger, frustration, fear, all of it was overwhelming ! that was febuary 2. i refused to return the cats (used the kids as an excuse when the HS pushed about the delay) and spent the weekend looking up everything i could find online about FeLV+ and thankfully found this group.

the ppl here have been a sourse of hope. ive changed their food and other than needing to get something for hairballs they are healthy and active. (a little TOO active somedays!) the kids and i have agreed we arent going to do extreem measures when they get sick and are hoping its years in the future if it has to happen. in the meantime we are enjoying the shows they put on and dealing with the little quirks they have (if you want to find it later dont leave Anything that weighs less than 15lbs where a cat can get at it!)

unfortunatly ive recently found out the HS pts 2 of the 4 we returned even though they did not test posative. this brought up the anger all over again because those 2 Never tested posative! suposedly the managment at the HS has been changed, unfortunatly it was too late for toby and smokey. we would have taken them, whats 2 more when you have 8 ? :)  the other 2 were adopted and i pray the families keep them even if they have problems in the future.

posative thoughts to you and your kitties


 Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away.
The Herd-

From: "carrie chance" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: Re: positive
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 05:47:29 -0500

>did you give her anything during that time?
>Right now I just hate the world and I am so darn angry
>I just cant beleive what I am going through, and my kitties

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