Kerry is the med Keto? I had to have my fiv+  on Keto for 30 days when he had what we call the "fungus". Almost all the fur kids at Sids have some form of it.

Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bandy has been losing his hair between his eyes the last couple of I took him to the doctor Tues. and under the black light it showed to be green..She put him on the oral meds for it and a topical one, too..I am afraid of the oral med as it can alter the bone marrow.  I don't know how he got it as I have never had any with it..
Is it because his system is so weak?  We are still dealing with the anterior uveitis, too..It seems that it is going to be the chronic form and he will have to have meds for it the rest of his life...But now ringworm...I checked the archives looking for some info..But if any of you have any more suggestions about these meds he is on, please let me know...The oral med is for 40 days...that seems like a long time on such a strong med...
Thanks for your help,
Kerry, Bandy, Inky, and Angels Buster, Lil Rascal and Snoopy

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