
Please let me know what the vet says about Bailey's
feeding tube.  The night Cricket died, which was the
same day the feeding tube was inserted, he had some of
the symptoms (the arching of the back, stiffness,
breathing difficulty) you said Bailey is having, and I
am wondering if the feeding tube wasn't done correctly
or if something went wrong with it.  I didn't want to
say anything to you earlier because I didn't want to
scare you, but now that you mentioned Bailey's
breathing is better, and you think it might be the
tube, I am starting to wonder about Cricket's tube.  I
never pondered that he could have died from a problem

Thank you,

--- Susan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We will all be anxious to hear how the vet visit
> goes.
> Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Thank you
> Susan, we are going to the vets shortly. His
> breathing 
> seems OK now so I'm hoping it is the tube causing
> all the problems.
> -- 
> Belinda
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