Hi Cindy,
It doesn't make much sense to me to continue with IR indefinitely. The way I understand it, it's a bacteria that is introduced to help the immune response wage an attack. The heightened immune response to the IR also takes care of whatever problem they were having in the first place. It doesn't seem reasonable to keep the immune system fighting when it isn't necessary, it's not like building muscles, (or is it?). Oh, there's so much I don't know!!

cindy reasoner wrote:

I am so glad that Chelsea is doing better.  I would
like to know the course of treatment your vet has
chosen for immuno-regulin too.  Smokey is on
immuno-regulin but the vet hasn't said how long he
will continue to get the injections.  To be honest I
thought he would continue to get 2 injections per week
for the rest of his life.  I need to ask his vet about
it.  I hope Chelsea's bloodwork comes back much


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