Missy is absolutely beautiful and I can see why she's your love!

> Oh Kelley! Stop it with that picture of Missy! She's just too
> cute for
> words, no wonder she's stolen your heart. Don't the tiny, needy
> ones
> seem to worm their way into a special place in our lives?

She is my baby girl! It is very scary to love another living thing
this much. I am single and have no children, and Missy is very
special to me.

I think
> it's
> fine to wait and bring Missy to your regular vet. Just tell Missy
> you're bringing her to show her off, that they will want to pet
> her and
> tell her how beautiful she is. This doesn't sound like it should
> be a
> traumatic visit, just an exam, right?

I think it will be ok. If he says she can be vaccinated, she will be
vaccinated, but my regular vet is so good at vaccinations that my cats
don't even notice they have been stuck.

Why don't you ask your vet
> about
> supplements, like CoQ10 for her heart, and maybe Interferon A for
> immune
> support. A woman I know has had remarkable results with CoQ10,
> but she
> did say that you shouldn't start and stop that sup, you might want
> to
> ask him if he knows anything about that too. Maybe someone else
> on the
> list knows more about it and will let us know.

I am making a list of stuff to ask him, thanks!

What have you done
> for
> her URIs? Do they ever resolve themselves completely?

She had URI when she came from the shelter (I've had her since she was
less than 3 months). She was on Zithro. It resolved completely. By
the time I went to get her and her littermates spayed/neutered, she
was 4 months and was 4 lb. Her sister was 4.5 and her brother 6. She
had no problems with the spay. I took her to my personal vet because
she developed conjunctivitis. I expressed concern over her thinness
and he told me she was ok, but to feed her fattening stuff to try to
get some weight on her. I got her over the conjunctivitis and she got
URI again. She was on zithro again, and it resolved. She got it
again, and pretty badly, lost a lot of weight and I had to syringe
her. She scared me pretty badly this last time. I think she lost
probably a whole pound. Now she seems to have it again, but it isn't
as bad a case. This is another reason I had her retested. Her immune
system just does not seem right at all. I have 4 litters of kittens
in my house right no
w, and they all had URI, but she was the only older cat I have that
got it.

Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."
- Anonymous

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