Hi Guys-
I hope I am posting this the right way.
We just found out today that we are positive.
Chester just turned a year old in April.  We got him after we was weaned and 
has been inside our house ever since.  I suspect that he got it from his 
mother (his mother was an indoor cat-or that's what we were told).  He 
didn't show any signs until a few months ago.  He came down with a cold and 
has been given antibotics for that twice.  When he goes off of it he still 
is not normal.  Right now he has a sore throat and fever.  My major concern 
is his laying around which he never did as a kitten, he just seems 
depressed.  Still eating and going to bathroom okay.  Doctor gave me Baytril 
and Prednisone.  Doctor said that he could last a few months but will get 
worse.  I also have another cat, Timmy 6 years old.  Timmy was tested as a 
kitten (negative) but not yet recently.  Still keeping both together because 
if Timmy were going to get it he'd probably already be infected.

I feel horrible.  I just need some support as I am new to this whole thing.  
Any ideas, suggestions?  What should I do?  Of course I want to keep Chester 
as long as possible but I don't want him to suffer.  I want to do what's 
best for the cat.  Any advice is appreciated.

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