I wish I could be of more help with Chatty's impersonation of Darth Vadar. Starman, (my hulking FIV guy), was congested and breathing the same way when he showed up. I wasn't thrilled about doing it, but I took my vet's advice and put him on Baytril. It did clear it up and so far, it hasn't come back, (quick, say a prayer). I don't have any experience with the albuterol, let us know.


Thanks, guys, for all your help!  Unfortunately, the local grocery
didn't have the Little Noses with Phenylephrine...so I just picked up
the saline drops and have been giving those a go!  Not a whole lot of
improvement...he's a little less "beow-y," but still sounds very much
like Darth Vadar...He's also still having difficulty smelling his food,
so I've resorted to syringing for the time being.  I can't believe how
agreeable he's been through all this...he's just so unbelievably sweet,
I don't know how anyone could abandon him!

So I'm going to try upping his dosage of interferon and have started
adding vitamin C to his food in an effort to get him over the hump. Thanks for all your help! Also, is the albuterol mostly for chest
congestion?  Or will it work on upper respiratory, as well?



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