They may have given her 3-4 months because of it
already being in the lymph nodes.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I am not sure why they gave her 3-4 months. That
> might be the case, but 
> mediastinal lymphoma sometimes responds very well to
> chemo, and some cats have gone 
> years in remission from chemo. Cats with FeLV
> respond as well to chemo, but 
> they do tend to come out of remission faster if they
> go into it. That said, at 
> least one person on this list had a cat live over a
> year with lymphoma from 
> chemo, I think. Mediastinal lymphoma responds better
> to chemo than any other 
> kind of lymphoma.  If you have not already, I would
> take her to a veterinary 
> oncologist for the treatment, if you can.  They are
> more knowledgeable about chemo 
> than regular vets.
> Also, if you decide not to do chemo, or you do and
> she comes out of remission 
> and will not go back in (there is a chemo drug
> called CCNU that they give 
> after a cat comes out of remission, and 50% of the
> time it puts them back in 
> remission for a while), there is a steroid
> combination shot that works far better 
> than prednisone at keeping them feeling good and
> slowing the tumor growth. 
> It's 1/2 ml dexamethasone combined with 1/2 ml
> depomedrol. I have used it several 
> times, and others on this list have as well.
> Finally, I highly recommend that you join the yahoo
> feline lymphoma group at 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  You will get up
> to speed on chemo and 
> lymphoma very quickly there.
> Lastly, I am sorry about the diagnosis. I have lost
> 3, and possibly 4, of my 
> positives to lymphoma. I only did chemo with one,
> and wish now that I had 
> tried it with the others.
> Michelle
> In a message dated 6/19/2006 6:28:25 PM Eastern
> Standard Time, 
> > Hi, all :(
> >
> > Well, I have good news and bad news.  The good
> news is that Samantha 
> > doesn't have FIV or FIP, just FelV.  The bad news
> is that the tumor in her 
> > chest is definitely Mediastinal lymphoma, and it's
> in her lymph nodes, 
> > unfortunately.  :(  I can give her chemo and
> radiation and prolong her 
> > life for 3-4 months, or I can simply leave her be
> (they gave her 
> > Prednisone, short-term chemo,  and something to
> keep her from having an 
> > allergic reaction to the chemo, today).  She is
> better, and they drained 
> > some more fluid out of her, to test it for
> lymphoma cells, as my regular 
> > vet hadn't done that, yet; she wanted to see what
> I wanted to do, first. 
> > I now have to decide whether to spend almost
> $1700.00 and get her the 
> > radiation and chemo that will prolong her life for
> 3-4 months or just 
> > leave her be, and my inclination is to leave her
> be, and keep her home 
> > until she is suffering too much to do anything
> except let her go, with 
> > regular checkups from my regular vet, of course. 
> I have meds to give her 
> > and they took her off the Lasix, as her body is
> producing more fluid than 
> > the Lasix can help her get rid of quickly, and all
> the other meds she was 
> > on except the antiobiotic, and they have me giving
> her one pill, once a 
> > day (don't remember what it is) and Children's
> Benadryl from the 
> > drugstore.  Please pray for us, and any advice you
> care to offer is 
> > gratefully accepted.  I need all the support and
> advice you care to give. 
> > Thanks for all your support.
> >

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