Hi Everyone,

I called the vet's office yesterday around 4:30 P.M.
for an update on Madison's status and am happy to
report that she not only survived the general
anesthetic (isoflurane gas), but the operation itself!

Due to Madison's age I was SO worried about the use of
anesthetic, but she pulled through with flying colors.

We picked up Madison from the hospital this afternoon
and despite her condition, she acts perfectly normal.
As soon as she saw me she pratcially jumped into my
arms and when we touched she instantly started to purr
and kneed.

Here is the breakdown of the current events:

07-08-06 Extreral Examination- $15.00 dollars.

07-12-06 Amputation Surgery of Tumor- $80.00 dollars.
07-12-06 Lab Histopathology (biopsy of tumor)- $38.00.
07-12-06 Radiograph 10 X 12 (X-ray of chest)- 35.00.
07-12-06 Clavamox Drops (an antibiotic)- 14.00.

07-13-06 Current Total $182 (which is NOT a bad price
considering we are talking about "possible" cancer. I
which treatment for "human" cancer was this cheap!)

Keep in mind that this is just a running total,
because the postoperative appointment will be an
additional cost as well as any treatment for cancer IF
she has it. 

Madison's postoperative exam is scheduled for Saturday
July the 22nd. That is exactly ten (10) days from her
surgery date. Our veterinarian will remove her sutures

Unlike an invasive spay operation which requires
dissolvable sutures, Madison's sugery was external
which required non-dissolvable sutures, hence the
postoperative appointment.

Our veterinarian used a vertical incision which is
approximating three (3) inches in length and resulted
in seventeen (17) individual stitches.

Although Madison was discharged withOUT any pain
medication she does not seem to mind. As soon as we
returned home she quickly inspected every room in the
house to ensure that everything was the way SHE left
it (such a queen) and then curled up on the back of
the couch (her reserved spot) to take a nap. If she
understands the severity of the situation, she clearly
does not care.

In addition to the surgery and biopsy our veterinarian
took an X-ray of her chest to confirm if there was any
cancer cells in that area. There was not, her chest
cavity can back clean and our veterinarian feels
confident that the tumor itself was "contained."

The word "contained" is cancer jargon for meaning that
a small portion of tissue (usually an inch)
surrounding the tumor was "clean" or cancer-free.

In amputation surgery of a "possible" cancerous tumor,
surgeons typically remove some "good" tissue along
with the tumor in hopes that ALL of the cancerous
cells have been extracted from the body; thus
"containing" the cancer.

This technique is common practice in surgical oncology
i.e. colectomies, lumpectomies, mastectomies, etc. as
conventional cancer treatments. 

However, the biopsy report from the diagnostic
laboratory pathology department is expected to be
received on or before her postoperative appointment.

It will be then that our veterinarian will be able to
tell us if the tumor was benign or malignant and IF
the tumor was malignant what TYPE of cancer it is.

If Madison is dignosed with cancer we will discuss a
course of treatment i.e. chemotherapy,
radiation-therapy, immunotherapy, new/innovative
therapies, etc. then. As of right now, we are just
focused on Madison recovering from the surgery itself.

She made it over the first hurdle (the surgery) now if
she can just get over the next (the cancer.) We are
not out of the woods yet. Please continue to keep my
sweet Madison Lee in your thoughts and prayers. We
need all the positive healing vibes that we can get.

Thank you to everyone who has emailed replys and
posted their well-wishes. We sincerely appreciate it.

Hugs, Lora

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