Ask your vet about giving her simethecon for gas.  There are baby drop versions of Gas X  that can be used.  I used them with Kitty Katt when she permitted and it helped.   Pepsid also helped with discomfort.   
                                                 If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures
                                                 from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who
                                                 will deal likewise with their fellow man.
                                                                  St. Francis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 9:47 PM
Subject: Lucy update

Well, Lucy ate 3 jars of turkey baby food today, with her raw food supplements mixed in, and ate a couple of handfuls of cooked turkey and duck, all of which combined should be a normal amount of daily calories, I think (the baby food alone is 240 calories for 3 jars). Her weight is back up over 8 pounds too.  Also, after not moving her bowels for 24 hours, she had a soft but solid stool.  But now she seems uncomfortable and bit out of it, and her stomach is making very loud rumbling and gurgling noises, which i guess is all the baby food wreaking havoc on her gut.  I feel bad for giving it to her, knowing she does not digest it well, but she really wanted to eat it and she just would not eat enough of the stuff that doesn't bother her.  Perhaps in that situation I should force-feed her raw food instead of feeding her the baby food?  I am expecting she will probably be sick in the middle of the night like she was 2 weeks ago when all she would eat for a day was baby food, as the pred was kicking in.
Yes, I definitely plan to take her to the internist.  I wish it could wait until Gray gets home from China so he can help me with her though. My mom offered to drive so I can pet Lucy in the car, which I will take her up on, but she is a very nervous person, which is not always very helpful in these situations, unlike Gray who is like the Buddha himself.  But at this point I feel like I want to take her soon, and don't want to wait. 

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