I'm sorry to hear your news.  I will keep you in my prayers.

Tim Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey everyone,
I know it hasn't been that long ago that I reported that we had lost our Miss Kitty to FeLV.  Now, not even a month later we've lost Clack.  He was 12 years old and I'm pretty sure he was negative.  He lived outside with his brother Click.
He was acting a bit abnormal yesterday and this morning.  I went out to give him some canned food that he dearly loves and he ran off into the woods away from me.  When I got home tonight, he was lying on his side under our van with his mouth open panting.  I thought he was already gone, but he was still breathing.  I rushed him to the vet and they told us that he was not responding to the oxygen, that he had a mass in his chest and that his pupils weren't responding to light.  They recommended PTS since they didn't think he would make it overnight.
This has happened so suddenly.  I'm numb with shock.  Clack and his brother, Click, arrived as small kittens when their mom showed up in our yard.  They were all feral, but we managed to tame Mama Kitty and Click.  We were never able to hold Clack or scratch behind his ears until tonight.  I held him and told him that it was OK if he needed to go.  We're pretty sure that he waited until we got home and made sure that he was some place we could see him.  He could have just gone off into the woods to die.
This is never easy. We're having him cremated.  Now he's with his mother at Rainbow Bridge.  She passed away a few years ago very suddenly.  Now Click is left without his brother and Mama.
Could you please add Clack to the Candlelight Service as a non positive?  He was a black kitty with a white spot on his chest.
Thanks so much for listening.  This group has been there for me a lot in the past 3 years (since I discovered you all after we rescued Miss Kitty & her kittens).

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