Hi again Wendy.  I haven't had any herniated disks, but many of my family and friends have!  I know the pain can be hiddeous.  I know massage therapy can prove to be very helpful in relaxing the muscles and easing the pain.  I've also heard that there is a plastic device (not sure what it's called) that you can put under your hips at night when you sleep.  It is supposed to help position your body to relieve sciatic pain.  The people I know who've used it say it works wonders.  Try asking your chiropractor or a massage therapist if they have something like that.
As far as over the counter pain meds, I've always heard that Naproxen is the best.  So I'd try that.  Aleve can also be helpful.  Rest and walking (if he's up to it) may help as well.
Once his insurance kicks in (I know all about those in-between times!), the doctor may recommend surgery.  If they're talking about fusion (which is often the only option these days), just be aware that it's not perfect.  Fusing the disks actually weakens the other disks and causes more disks to herniate eventually.  They are working on a disk replacement surgery, but it's probably at least a few years or more away.  But if he can find ways to manage the pain at an acceptable level, he may want to think about waiting (I know people who are trying to wait).  But if the pain is unbearable, fusion is better than nothing.
PT would probably help too...and they may be able to give him some exercises to help strengthen the muscles and lessen the pain.
Back pain is never fun (I've pulled lots of muscles in my back)...especially because it makes it so difficult to do ANYTHING...from walking to turning to sleeping to coughing.  I will be praying that your husband feels better and that you find something to help deal with the disks.  Good luck!!

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi guys,

As always, I trust your opinion. My husband has been
having horrible back problems after laying this tile
in our house, and he had an MRI last Thursday. The
MRI showed herniated disks in L4 and L5. We are
visiting a chiropractor right now, as his new health
insurance does not kick in for another six weeks, and
we need SOMETHING done, as his pain level is quite
bad. He is not having pain in his back, but sciatic
pain, shooting down from his butt and down his leg to
the fold of his knee, all on his left side. Have any
of you had any experience, direct or indirect, with
herniated disks? Any advice? I am not sold on the
chiropractor, and would like a doctor's opinion, but
we have to wait six more weeks. The chiropractor is
trying to push spinal decompression, but it's not
covered by insurance and is several thousand dollars.
Also, any advice on pain management for this type of


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