So many folks here helped with some great advice for the person who rescued Rusty, the Katrina cat in MS.  Wanted to give you all some great news…  This is what I just got from Alexis:


Thank you so much to everyone who has shown such concern for Rusty!
This is one lucky little guy to have so many people praying for him. I
have good news and bad news. Let's get the bad news out of the way.
Rusty suffered permanent damage to his kidneys due to the blockage.
There is no treatment for this. The trouble that he had with the
crystals in his urine, bladder and kidney infection, and blockage of the
ureter is likely to be recurrent throughout his life. He can ONLY eat
prescription cat food. Also, his water consumption has to be measured
and litter checked for crystals. His immune system is now compromised.
He must be isolated from all other animals and live strictly indoors to
avoid getting sick.

Now for the good news! Rusty is not diabetic after all! More blood
work was done right before he was discharged. His glucose levels had
returned to the normal range! My vet said that it is somewhat common
for extreme pain and stress to make the glucose levels shoot sky high
(like our blood pressure can due to pain). It is wonderful that he only
has to contend with the kidney/bladder issues. It was breaking my heart
to think that I may have to inject him every day. I can just imagine
him cursing the day he allowed me to pick him up. His appetite has
returned. Actually, he eats like a pig! My daughter and I have
completely fallen in love with him. He is so sweet! We are fully
commited to giving him a forever home if we cannot find the owner.
However, I am POSITIVE that this guy belonged to someone prior to
Katrina. Here is some info that the vet told me that should help us in

Rusty is a genuine MALE CALICO. Apparently, only 1 out of every 10,000
calicos born is a male. My vet said that in the 15 yrs. that he has
been in business - Rusty is the first male calico that he has ever seen!
He estimated Rusty's age between 2 and 4 yrs. Also, Rusty was
previously neutered. I had him tested for leukemia and AIDS. His tests
came back negative. Given the amount of time that Rusty spent on the
street, the vet believes that he must have been vaccinated prior to the
storm. I am including some pictures of him, so that everyone can see
who their prayers went to. I am so proud of how hard he fought to pull
through all of this.


Here’s Rusty-the miracle cat!  Keep your fingers crossed that we can find his original family---he’s fought so hard….





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