I use Cyproheptadine all the time for our cats that
are sick from  bad URI's to FIP.  Actually my vet just
prescribed it for my baby kitten of five weeks that
weighs just a pound.  She is having issues eating
right now.

Precious Pets, Almost Home Association

--- wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Cyproheptadine is a prescription appetite stimulant.
> Do not get the liquid; it's as bad as the cherry
> stuff
> that Phaewryn ended up with.  Tastes NASTY!!!  It's
> all I can offer right now.  I hope this turns around
> soon and Patches starts eating again.
> :)
> Wendy
> --- Diane Rosenfeldt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My housemate Gail and I are at our wits' end.  He
> > just will not eat.  We
> > have tried every combination of approaches we
> > possibly can with every
> > combination of food that we can.  We gave him the
> > liver shake on Saturday
> > and he wolfed it down, and the next meal he
> refused
> > it but ate some regular
> > canned food and some crunchies, and then after
> that,
> > nothing.  We syringed
> > him with the liver stuff a couple times, and then
> > A/D, offering them in a
> > bowl first, or offering tuna food or tuna juice,
> and
> > still he barely sniffs
> > at things.  He has taken a couple of treats, but
> no
> > longer jumps eagerly
> > into our laps for them.  Gail works first shift
> and
> > I work 8-4:30 in another
> > town, so the only time we are at home together is
> > about 4 hours at night.
> > Feeding him is definitely a two-person job, so
> > except for weekends and days
> > like this (I'm home sick) we've got to cram a
> day's
> > worth of food into that
> > little time.  When our Luc wouldn't eat, we had
> him
> > intubated so that one
> > person could feed him a few times a day, but that
> > nearly broke our bank and
> > we can't afford to do that for this little guy. 
> > What kills me is he doesn't
> > like us too much any more, because of necessity,
> > every time we go into his
> > room it's to do something bad to him.  And I keep
> > thinking about what
> > somebody said here about cats not understanding
> > "future", it's all "now",
> > and all his "nows" really suck.  I really wish I
> > knew why he  came to us --
> > to be saved, or to have a comfortable and loving
> > place to pass.  I could
> > live with it, if it's the latter, but if it is, he
> > must feel like he's in
> > Hell.
> > 
> > Plus, today I have a sore throat and the
> beginnings
> > of a cold, and I'm
> > worried about making him worse.  It's sort of moot
> > because Gail can't feed
> > him alone, but it's just another thing to obsess
> > about.
> > 
> > Sorry this is so gloomy, but this is really
> wearing
> > us all down.  In case
> > anybody has some words of wisdom:  His eyes are
> > still somewhat runny, though
> > not as bad as before.  Vet had us discontinue the
> > eyedrops, and she
> > supplemented the last few Orbax with Clavamox
> twice
> > a day (at least he's
> > easy to pill alone).  (We were at the vet's on
> > Saturday, right after he
> > seemed to be starting to eat again.)  He seems to
> > keep down the great
> > majority of what we feed him.  At least once per
> > feeding his little tongue
> > comes out and it looks like he's going to hurl,
> but
> > then he burps and is
> > okay.  We have crunchies available all the time,
> no
> > inroads into them for
> > days, same with water, although there's
> considerable
> > water in the A/D when
> > we syringe it.  His poop is runny, understandably.
> > 
> > I would be most grateful if anybody has some fresh
> > ideas. :-)
> > 
> > Diane R.
> > ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^
> > = ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ =
> > "Nice kitty!"
> >      -- Prof. Radcliffe Emerson
> >           The Snake, the Crocodile and the Dog
> > ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^ ^. .^
> > = ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ = = ^ =
> > 
> > 
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