I know Inky isn't Felv+, but I need some help here...I went out of town last week so I had to board Bandy and Inky since they are both on meds...Anyway, Inky got sick while I was gone.  They called me and said he was quite dehydrated so they wanted to start an IV after they had already done blood work which showed him to be in renal and liver failure...As you know, he just turned 20 about 2 wks. ago..so this wasn't good news at all...He has been on IV fluids since Fri..and today his bun and creatinine were down, but his amylase was 3200+ and high normal is 1100..so she has put him back on pred. He is eating k/d which he has been on the dry for several yrs, but since he has hyperT and IBD, I have been feeding him raw turkey which has helped the IBD. So now I don't know what to do...She said he really needed to be on a kidney diet, but with the liver values so high..I don't know what to think or to do...Any thoughts or experiences with high amylase, please let us know..It could be something going on with his pancrease, too..He is going to come home on Tues..so that is the good thing as he looks alert and is eating the canned k/d.  No vomiting or runny stool either..
Please keep him in your prayers..
Thanks so much,
Kerry, Bandy and Inky
P.S. Bandy is still doing better than he has in months..

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