I'm glad to hear that Inky is holding his own. It's really good news that he's eating more. I'm sorry I didn't write sooner, I've been dealing with a lot of stuff right now too. Isn't he funny that he likes french fries? Really good news about Bandy continuing to do well too. I don't know how you continue to keep your spirits up, it never seems to end at your house.
Prayers to you, Inky and Bandy,

Kerry Roach wrote:

Thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts for Inky..I guess we are holding our own for now..He had 150ml sub-q fluids on Fri..and was to have more on Sunday, but since he is eating and drinking now and we go to the vet on Monday, I thought we would wait for her to check him out..It really stressed him out on Fri. to get them..I thought I was losing him as he quit eating and drinking again..I tried it all, too..even Friskies cat then I grilled him a chicken breast, upped his pred and gave him a dose of transdermal appetite stimulant seemed to work as he is now on his 3rd chicken breast and drank a large box of chicken broth along with some water now..eats a little bit of k/d. I am having a hard time getting the meds in him though..I now put his pill in a french fry and he takes it from me.. So I guess we will just go one day at a long as I can keep him eating, I think he will be ok..and keep him from vomiting..Only once since last that is a good thing..
Anyway, sorry to go on and on, but I think you all know how it is..
Bandy has now gone the longest in over 14 months without a fever..If he has had one, you couldn't tell it..eating good and playing with his toys..He only gets meds once a day now..and that is a first, too..his hair is growing back and instead of solid black, it is salt and pepper...he really looks good for a change.. Thanks for all the CRF info, too..I have alot to look into..I forgot to add that I am not sure that is what is Inky's main I was looking at his lab work and comparing it to his past lab back from March..It may be pancreas. His phosphorus level was we aren't using binders as of yet..he will get more lab work I'm sure in a couple of wks..His vet mentioned liver failure, too, but some of those were normal, too..So I don't know..I am just trying to combat several things here with the right type of diet for lessen the load on his kidneys, liver and pancreas. Not an easy thing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Hope your fur babies are doing well!!
Kerry, Bandy, and Inky
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