Hey Nina,

Prayers going out for Spencer right now.  You're his


--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> Spencer seemed to be doing better, but last night he
> took a turn for the 
> worse and I wasn't sure he'd be here this morning
> when I woke up.  He's 
> lost a great deal of weight and his breathing is
> shallow and fast.  He 
> cries now when I pick him up and he's not getting
> around very well.  His 
> third eyelid is back up.  I can't tell if he's in
> pain, but he's 
> obviously in distress.  It doesn't look good.  He
> finished with his 
> first 5 shots of feline interferon the night before
> last.  I had taken 
> him off Clav after 7 days, (now I'm wondering if
> that was a good idea), 
> and he's going on, I think his 6th day of Dox).  I'm
> afraid it may be a 
> tumor, or some sort of cancer.  He's reminding me of
> Simon when he was 
> dying of kidney failure, but there was no indication
> of that when we had 
> blood work done Friday before last.  I called my
> vet's office, but of 
> course it's a holiday and my vets aren't there.  I
> could bring him in as 
> an emergency, but I don't have a lot of faith in the
> vet on call, (nice 
> guy, just not sure he'd be able to help).  Actually,
> I don't have a lot 
> of faith that anyone would be able to help him right
> now.  He might be 
> more comfortable with oxygen, or with a pain
> reliever.  I don't know if 
> it's worth the stress of bringing him into the vet.
> I just can't believe he's gone downhill so quickly. 
> I've only had him 
> for six months and he was in such bad shape when he
> got here.  I did 
> suspect fiv, but not felv.  I figured if he had
> felv, he wouldn't have 
> pulled through as well as he did after arriving.  He
> just blossomed 
> here!  He turned into the best hugger and was so
> happy to have found 
> someplace to call home and feel safe, and best of
> all he was thrilled to 
> find a source of never ending food!  I used to have
> to keep giving him a 
> spoon of food at a time when I was getting
> everyone's dinner ready, or 
> he'd go and eat everyone else's food as I put it
> down.  I'm just in such 
> shock.  It wasn't more than 2 weeks ago that he was
> scaling counters at 
> a single bound.  He was such and incredible athlete,
> I've never seen 
> anyone move as fast or leap as high as Spence.
> Thanks for letting me ramble.  You guys know how
> this goes...  Please 
> send him healing, calming thoughts and prayers.  I
> never stop hoping for 
> recovery, but he doesn't look good.  Thanks for
> always being there,
> Nina

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