
Yes, it's something you never forget.  Healing vibes your way.


wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Your post about Buddy brought that big lump into my
throat. The one you get right before you start
crying. I remember all to well that 'look' that tells
you that they are ready. My Cricket gave me that same
look the day I got home from work, when he died. I
knew he was telling me he was ready, but I persisted
in trying to save him and instead of taking him to be
pts, like I had decided earlier, and I had the vet
insert a feeding tube. He died anyway that night, too
sick for the feeding tube to have a chance to work. I
will NEVER FORGET that look that he gave me. It's
burned into my mind, and I don't think I'll ever
mistake it again. Thanks for sharing and helping my
grieving process a little bit more.


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