
My name is Wendy.  I've been on this site for about 10
months now and have learned so much.  My FeLV+ passed
away, but it was so late when I found this group,
there wasn't enough time to save him.  I think that
Crackers has a much better chance.  

I'm sorry to hear about Pokemon.  I find, however,
that things happen for a reason, and you did the right
thing by loving Pokemon.  You didn't know about the
risks of taking her in, so please don't beat yourself
up.  So many of us here have exposed our kitties by
unknowingly taking in an FeLV+ before we were educated
on FeLV.  I exposed three others by taking in Cricket,
my FeLV+.  They are all negative.  

Everyone has posted great info. so far for you.  One
thing I didn't see was how old Crackers was.  That is
important.  If he is older, then it is harder for him
to contract FeLV, as Chris said.  Or rather, easier
for him to throw it off if exposed.  From our
experiences here, adults almost never contract FeLV. 
It's the kittens that contract it permanently.  So I
wouldn't worry too much until you test and retest. 
The only thing that might be a problem is that Pokemon
and Crackers were fighting and the veterinary
community doesn't know enough about this virus to know
if indirect exposure (sharing water bowls, grooming)
versus direct exposure (introducing the virus directly
to the bloodstream) plays a part in throwing off this
virus.  It could.  In the meantime, I would change
Cracker's diet, as Phaewryn pointed out.  I feed mine
Innova.  You can't get the good stuff at a grocery or
discount store, nor can you get it at Petsmart or
Petco (although you can buy Eukanueba there, but it's
not good food either, imo.)  Also, vitamin C and
L-lyine (without propyline glycol) are good immune
supplements.  The other big thing is to keep Crackers
stress-free.  I would also find another vet.  One that
does not feel euthanasia is the only option with FeLV+
kitties.  One that is educated.  You can figure this
out by calling different vets in the area and speaking
with them directly about their philosophy on treating
FeLV+'s.  You'll get a good feel for a vet this way. 
Your vet was wrong about the test not having any false

Try not to freak out too much.  We all love our
furbabies dearly here, and you have found a good place
to be while dealing with this.  It's a great source of
support.  If you'd like, I can email you a sick and
regular care kitty manual that I compiled.  I can't
attach it to these postings, but I can send it to you
directly if you'd like.  It's got a lot of info. in
it.  Please keep us posted on your kitty's diagnosis,

Dallas, Tx

P.S.  I think $6000-8000 for treatment for Pokemon is
RIDICULOUS!!!!  Just ludicrous!!!  And I don't
necessarily agree with their diagnosis and what they
said should be done.  I wouldn't go there again if you
can avoid it.

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