I have tried adding more fiber in the past and it seemed to make it worse. I think it you overdo fiber it actually makes stool looser.
In a message dated 9/17/2006 7:14:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
It did with Mai Mai for a while.  The increased fiber did more good though.  Just thinking...what would happen if you added a pinch more fiber to her diet?  I have no idea why I am obsessing on the fiber issue but I am.  I am learning to listen to the unknown and pass it on therefore I never have to wonder if I should have.  What you and she are going thru is awful.  I went there with Mai Mai, Ebony and Kitty.  I know you are doing everything in the world you can think to do.  Listen to your heart and to her. 

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