Hi Yvonne,
    I hope it isn't hepatic lipidosis, the only thing that will reverse that is enough food.  The liver is one of the organs that definitely can heal itself, but if she is jaundice from not eating enough then food, more importantly enough food is the only way to save her.  Not saying this to scare you it is a fact and I've seen it enough to know it is very reversible, Buddie had this, hers was caught very early on and she was fine.

Lots of prayers for Peanut.  Make sure she is getting a can to a can and half of food a day if this is what she has.  And yes it can strike in just a day or two if a cat quits eating, especially if the cat is overweight to start with.

I'm adding her now, hope her blood work comes back with out any serious problems going on.


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