Hi, one of my felk babies is in a serious trouble and I need your help –

She was fine until very recently but noticed that something was wrong definitely this morning just the way she as sitting.. so I took her to the vet, and her PCV was 9.6 and took her to the emergency clinic and s had a traqnsfusion, she was fine right after the transfusion, now she is running fever of 106.8.. I am assuming that it is reaction from transfusion.  Prior to the transfusion, she vomited very think blood and tons of it.. and now I saw tons of blood came from stool.. and I am very scared.. all the blood work was normal except high (50,000 range of WBC) – it could be cancer or it could be some type of infection.. she is on clavmox and I just gave her predisolone ---


Any insights are appreciated.. the vets are not really sure what’s directly causing it and I really didi not want her to continue to be checked out –I was thinking of giving her epogen though her kidney is fine, I thought it migh help anemia or at least it own’t hurt? Also I was going to start on interferon tomorrow.. please any insight is appreciated – she is just a sweet girl,, and I wanted to do everything I can to make her feel better.

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