I'm so glad to hear the good news about Will Feral.  I hope Moxy will be okay with her heart murmer.  I was  LOL re: Will and the lettuce "mouse"! 
My Pippin will be 6 months on the 25th of this month.  I too am afraid about getting her fixed.  Do you have any advice about that?  She's doing so well so far.  She's on L-Lysine and a good diet.

Gary Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    My positive, Will Feral, is doing great (thanks to all the great advice from this list), no problems since his two fevers last summer.  He is 6 months old now, gets l-lysine and clavamox everyday, and alpha interferon every other week.  He is the healthiest looking one of the litter, never has any sneezes or eye gunk, and is the fattest of the group, eats everything in sight (even acted like the lettuce the lovebirds pushed out of their cage was a fresh mouse, walked around with it growling to taunt the others, then wolfed it down.)  He has not yet been neutered, I am leaning towards having it done, but am afraid.  He had two sores (looked like cigarette burns) that healed very slowly several months ago, I didn't make the connection right away but think that they may have been where he had needle pokes for vaccines and blood draws.  I would like to have a blood panel done in the next couple of weeks and then go from there.
    His neg. brothers Scooter and Dash are doing ok.  Dash was sneezing a bit but that's cleared, and they both throw-up occasionally (once every month or so), mostly I think from stuffing themselves silly.  
    Neg. sister Moxy is of most concern at the moment.  She did well with her recent surgery for a broken femoral head, but is so tiny next to her brothers (barely 5lbs vs. 7lbs plus).  The emergency vet found a faint heart murmur that our regular vet missed, said she may outgrow it, but I would like to have a cardiac ultrasound done when funds permit.  She loves her new fuzzy pink cat bed, knows it is special just for her.
  Little pos. angel sister Alice (who succumbed to suspected wet FIP) is still dearly missed... 
  And our adult kitty Blue is healthy and doing maybe slightly better with the babies, or maybe it is just because everyone's napping at the moment. . .
Sorry for the book, but you asked... :o)
PS.  I saw their big grey tomcat daddy at my inlaws the other day, he looked good, I am pretty sure he lives with someone on their street.  Their wild momma Mia was MIA for the last couple of months and I feared the worst, but I spotted her on Wednesday cutting across the back corner of their property.  She looked well from a distance, but ran like a shot at the sight of the awful kitten-stealing, live-trapping, spaying lady.  I hate the thought of her out there as the weather turns, but pray she will look to us for help if she needs it.  I still have to sneak just to leave food out, MIL has yet to grow a heart :O(

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