Hi Everyone,
It's been awhile since I have posted, but I've been keeping up. I have two FeLV cats and 2 that aren't. From information I have gathered here, I learned that I should isolate the non-FeLV cats ffom the positives. They've been mixed for almost two years now. I've also learned about different medications and which would be the best to give them.
Unfortunately, one of my FeLV cats, Luna who's always been a tiny little thing, has recently become extremely lethargic. We took him into the vet on Friday and were told that the leukemia is now getting to him. He's so very anemic and he's become quite bony. We were told that he won't have long. Yet, he's very alert; his eyes aren't glossed over as you would expect a sick cat's to be. He's still interested in things going on around him, but just doesn't have the enregy to participate. It's so sad to watch. And it's breaking my heart. My daughter's too. My husband has been so helpful and supportive, but I still don't know what to do.
He has so little energy, that he is having trouble making it to the litter box. I've picked him up to take him to it and two days in a row, out of the many times I have picked him up to do this, he has peed on me. He's most often going to the bathroom properly if I am able to place him there. It was just these two times.
He also has so little energy, that he is not eating and drinking on his own. I have diluted canned food that is chopped fine and put it in a large syringe and have force fed him. He didn't like this, so I just put the food on my finger and he licks it off. So, at least he's still interested in food and going to the bathroom properly. I even took him back to the vet yesterday and they showed me how to insert an IV into him to keep him from being dehydrated and to keep fluids in him.
I have asked them about a transfusion, but, then I feel this will just prolong the inevitable and we will all have to go through this again later.I can't see putting Luna through all this again later. I can't stand watching my daughter suffer. I also can't stand the pain this is putting me through. I am willing to do all sorts of things for my little Luna, but how much should I do? I wish he could talk so that he could tell me what he would like for me to do. Is he suffering, and if so, how much? Should I keep putting him through the IV's, feeding him the way I've been doing, and helping him go to the bathroom? It's hard on my family, specifically me who's tending to him, and I can only imagine what Luna is feeling. Can anybody advise me? I was so hoping I had longer than two years with this little fella. It just seems so unfair.
Thank you all.

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