you guys are so good.  Even while I was looking, I was thinking, I have to get to work to let the list know, they'll have good ideas and words of comfort.
Yes, the police know about the cats.  The office even asked their names, which I thought was nice, though in retrospect he was probably hoping to find a name tag if they were outside of the car.
When I get home (I'll be leaving early from work) - I'll call the chip companies.
The news - what a great idea, they might love this.  I know that I have pics of Satch able to be printed, but I only have Bea on my phone, I think.  I'll check.  If I don't hear in the next couple of hours, I'll think about calling them (though the idea of ME being on camera terrifies me, it's not as scary as as not getting them back).   face your fears, face your fears.  Especially since all make up was in the overnight bag also ... ah well, looking as frenzied as I feel won't be a bad thing.
I'll keep you posted.

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