Oh Leslie, I'm picturing them safe and sound and returned to you... sending you strength and calm to get through this.... we're all here for you!
Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."
- Anonymous

----- Original Message ----
From: Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 12:06:36 PM
Subject: Need immediate thoughts for Satch and Beatrix

Please bear with me here in writing this, I didn't know how hard it would be to put into words.
I spend my weekends at my boyfriend's house and take the cats with me (they love him and his dog, and I don't like leaving them).  Monday mornings I pack everything up including the cats, go back in to say goodbye to Ed, and then drive the 20 minutes home. 
This morning I loaded in my groceries, my school books, the cats, go back in kiss Ed goodbye, grab my breakfast in a tupperware from the fridge and go back outside to find someone in my car backing it out of the driveway.  The doors were unlocked, but there was no key inside it, so they must have hotwired it.  I ran at the car backing up, yelling, "hey" and "get out" and banging on the windshield, I in fact, smashed the tupperware against it, having no other weapons (eggs went everywhere), but they kept going.  I yelled that there are cats in there, but they didn't stop.  Ed heard me yelling and by the time I got back inside, he was on the phone with 911.
As indoor cats they don't wear collars, though both are microchipped.  They ride well in the car as long as they're loose, so they were loose.  I don't know which is more likely, them to get thrown out, or to be kept in.  Satch is probably talking the thief's ear off because he didn't get fed before we left.  I am so scared that they'll have been thrown out.  Satch is a big guy, was found on the streets, he can handle what is likely to present itself to him, but the kitten....oh you guys, I'm so scared.
I would have thought they'd be a theft deterrant. 
He threw my book bag out the window across from a nearby park, I have no idea why that item of all that he could have (my overnight bag, grocery bags, etc), and figure that it's God's way of saying that even through this stress I still have to study.  ha.  Ironically the 20 lb biology book was probably the most valuable item in the car, not that its street value would amount to much.
Naturally, I've spent the morning searching that area to see if the cats might have been tossed there, too, but haven't found anything.  Satch knows his name and comes to it, so I hope that they at least stay together.
Pray that the police call ( I have Ed's cell phone, mine was in the car, but maybe they'll be able to use it's tracking device to locate it ), and pray that they have good news.  Picture Satch and Beatrix oblivious to my concerns and sleeping on the back seat, or hanging out on a nice porch waiting for me to find them.  Pray that they not be stressed, but get back to me after a harmless adventure on their end.  please pray that I see them again and that they are unharmed.
Thank you all so much,

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