I'm so glad to hear that Junior is doing better. It sounds like the vet you brought him to knows what he's doing. You might want to look into Immuno Regulin to try. Some of the list members have had good results with it. You can do a search for it to see discussions about it. Hang in there,

Sally Davis wrote:

Hi Diane and all

Junior is home. He has a upper respiratory and was given a stronger antibiotic, subcutaneuos fluids and a b12 shot. I was also told to give him some yogurt as he has diarrhea. His fever had gone down a little it was 104. He ate when he got home and started purring. Now he is separated from tiny.

I have to go to work to make sure I can take care of these kitties. I am still looking for help (financially) to get the though this . I live near Richmond VA. If anyone knows of any good cat groups to contact please let me know.


Sally Davis

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