If the vet doesn't get it find another vet. This has gone on too long without an explanation. The thing is to catch problems while they can still be handled. I have taken too many critters to the vet just because something didn't feel right in my stomach. I have rarely been wrong and in several cases delays could/would have cost lives.

If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow man. St. Francis ----- Original Message ----- From: "MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 2:32 PM
Subject: RE: o/t familiar with these symptoms?

Thanks Nina, warm ears do mean fever, don't they? Kerry
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 12:26 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: o/t familiar with these symptoms?

Hi Kerry,
I can understand your concern about Kitty.  Her symptoms are troubling
to me too.  How old is she again?  If this had just started, then I
might think it had to do with the stress of her new home and not so
friendly attitude between cats.  I would feel better if the vet this
woman was seeing seemed more competent.  Granted, everyone on this list
has "red flag" hair triggers, but...  It does sound like the new mom is
concerned and keeping an eye on the situation, although the question
about whether cats get fevers is an indicator about how little
experience she's had with sick kitties.  Would she be willing to take
Kitty to a vet that you trust?

I know first hand how difficult it is to let go of the responsibility we

feel toward foster fur kids.  There is only so much you can do at this
point though.  I'm glad that the new mom seems open to your
intervention.  Have you paid Kitty a visit in the past few days?
Perhaps she wouldn't mind if you went with her to your vet.  If it were
me, I'd go have a look at Kitty and see what my impressions are.
Remember Vladimir's story?

Prayers that Miss Kitty feels better soon,

MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote:

I'm concerned about my former foster cat Kitty--the new mom just
emailed me the following.
Could she be feverish? All info appreciated, and will forward it to
(The vet's attitude worries me. Kitty's been vomiting drool for over a

month. Clearly something is wrong.)
Thanks everyone, Kerry

/This morning she had again vomited twice.  She doesn't seem to be
ailing, although she is considerably more clingy than usual.  Also,
something my mom noticed... her ears are really quite warm.  Could
that be a sign of a fever or something?  Can cats get fevers??  She is

still hydrated as well.  Definitely less aggressive towards Alex
though- which in all of this worrying is actually nice.  Her stool is
soft but not diarrhea like.  /

/The vet said nothing to really worry about (unless vomiting increases

or she quits eating) but I'm bringing her in on thurs AM as I had an
appt then anyway for Alex's annual. /

/I did give her a 1/4 tab of Pepcid though to soothe her tummy if it
was just a little upset. /
/Thats the story as of right now.  Thanks for all of your suggestions
and concern.  She is proving to be a trooper definitely./

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