
I'm sorry to hear about Tom Cat.  You are a sweetheart
to do all you did for him.  He knew it too.


--- Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Michelle, 
>   I sent this to Nina..and I don't know for sure if
> I put all the info down as it was quite a long
> week...He (Tom Cat) was my barn cat..wild as can
> be... He was hit by a car..received a broken jaw
> then ended up having all sorts of problems..
>   Thanks for asking...Glad to hear Lucy is doing
> much better...I have Inky down to 5mg pred for
> now...and he is eating chicken K/D along with his
> turkey, but I put his pills in tsp of fancy feast..
>   Take care,
>   Kerry
>     Hi Nina,
>   Thanks for writing as I know how difficult it is
> at times like these...guess that is why I didn't get
> on here much at all..This is sorta a long story, but
> here goes..
>   I lost Tom Cat...guess he was a feral as he had
> been living out at my house where I keep my goats
> for the last 3 yrs or so...I just started calling
> him Tom Cat this year and really trying to make
> friends with him as he was really wild...I could
> finally get within 3 ft of him in the last 6 months
> at feeding time and he would follow me around when I
> would go he was I guess you could say my
> barn cat...
>   I went to turn my goats out one evening but didn't
> have any cat food with me and he was waiting at his
> place for me.  So I thought when I went back later
> that night I would bring food and he would be there.
>  He wasn't at the time, but when we drove off, he
> was across the highway and had been hit by a car. I
> am sure he saw me turn in the drive and came across
> the road..I never knew of him to cross the road..
> Anyway, a guy that works for me was with me and I
> told him that was Tom Cat so we stopped and he was
> hardly breathing so we picked him up on a card board
> box that we broke down and I took him back to work
> with me to call the vet.  By this time it was
> midnight, she met me and got him going, but he had a
> broken jaw and I guess some lung problem...anyway,
> he was responding to the dex and O2.  That was on a
> Tues..then on Wed. he even tried to eat something,
> but they finally had to tube feed him..but on Thurs,
> I had to take him to Arlington, TX. to a 24 hr
> emergency place
>  as he needed  extra care..My vets staff was going
> to continuing education classes all weekend so no
> one here to see after him or feed him..He was off
> the O2 by this time and seemed to be doing
> better..Anyway, when I got him up there since he was
> wild they had a hard time dealing with him other
> than IV meds and sedation to check him out..I first
> asked them to felv and fiv test him before we went
> any farther so that all came back negative..but his
> PCV was 13 so since it was so late they didn't have
> a donor cat available so they gave him oxyglobin to
> keep him stable, but his PCV didn't go up either so
> by Sat. we did a blood transfusion and it went to
> 23..The dental surgeon was out of town until
> Monday..they were all gone to Oregon for a seminar.
>   Then by Wed. his PCV was going down again so I
> didn't know what to do and they suggested
> pts...cause he probably had some other underlying
> problem, cancer or something..since his PCV didn't
> stay up and he didn't have a lot of blood loss from
> the accident.. When the dental surgeon looked at his
> xrays she said he probably had some sort of tumor in
> there and the jaw might not heal anyway...He
> couldn't eat with his jaw all misaligned...I wish
> now that I would have just brought him home and
> turned him loose...but he might have died a horrible
> death and I didn't want that either..He hated being
> in that cage and all the poking around on him..He
> was a tough kitty as he fought them when they would
> try to do anything to him and I hated them sedating
> him every time...I saw him like that, too..I drove
> 140 miles everyday to see him in the ICU there from
> Thurs until the next Wed. (all except 1 day)  I
> forgot to mention they did a bone marrow biopsy and
> he couldn't get his RBC in
>  circulation...he had some sort of weird
> anemia...but nothing to do with felv or they
> tested him again and it was negative...also neg for
> Hemobart..They said he was probably weak is why he
> didn't get out of the way of the car as this problem
> was coming on and I wouldn't know it since he was
> feral.  I hope I did the right thing...I know I
> didn't want him to suffer as he was such a good
> kitty.  I think in a few more months he would have
> trusted me more and more..Anyway,  I don't know if
> I've left anything out, but we went thru it all in a
> week..
>   I miss him no matter what..He was a black and
> white tuxedo just like Bandy only bigger..12lbs.
>   Could you put this on the list for me?
>   I hope you are doing ok today..It is tough is all
> I can say...I forgot to mention that a few months
> ago I named one of my kitties Spencer...I have a
> hard time with names at times and since I read this
> list alot, I have gotten some good names..
>   I just hope everyone stays healthy.. You are
> always in our prayers..
>   Hugs and head butts to everyone,
>   Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angel's Buster, Lil Rascal,
> Snoopy and Tom Cat
> Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Kerry,
> Thank you so much for taking the time to write to me
> about Spencer. Who 
> did you lose on the 27th?? I'm so sorry. I know how
> much love, energy, 
> money, etc, etc you devote to your sweet babies. I
> can't believe you're 
> suffering through another loss. Big hugs to you my
> dear,
> Nina
> Kerry Roach wrote:
> > Hi Nina,
> > I am so sorry to hear about Spencer..I haven't
> been on here in about a 
> > month as I have lost another myself, 9/27. So I
> haven't kept up too 
> > well..I knew Spencer was having some problems, but
> we were praying 
> > for his recovery. 
> > You will be in our thoughts and prayers.. Guess we
> just have to take 
> > it one day at a time as it never is an easy thing
> to deal with when we 
> > lose one of those special furr babies..
> > Hugs to you,
> > Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angel's Buster, Lil Rascal,
> Snoopy and Tom Cat
> >
> >
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