All really good ideas.  I forgot to mention that Matilda gets RR and Oregon grape fe in her water.

Kat wrote:

It's so hard when they get off to a wrong start...
Basically, you have to go back to square one and start all over.
Keeping them in seperate rooms, swapping their bedding each day,
swapping their rooms every 4-5 days, using cooking vanilla dabbed
on each one (both the head and the tail) to make them smell the same,
and using the appropriate flower essences in each one's water (in
addition to continuing with the Feliway). But this will take time.
Do you think "Molly" will be open to this or does she think it's too
late to start over?

Here's hoping she's willing to give it another try.
Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Thu, 26 Oct 2006, MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote:

Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 13:12:43 -0500
From: "MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: o/t ideas please for my ex-foster cat

Hi all
I just got an email from the adopter ("Molly")of my former foster cat
("Katya"). Molly emailed the shelter and copied me in part (see
below--I've changed all names to protect privacy!). It seems she's about
to give up Katya because of the effect it's having on her own cat,
"Amber". Molly, I believe, is a good person, and I'm frantically casting
around for ideas to fix the situation. I would foster Katya again in a
heartbeat,and have already let the shelter know this, but it would be
better if we cd resolve the situation. I'm scheduled to speak to Molly
tonight on the phone. I thought if I could give her some hope, maybe
that would encourage her to keep trying. I already encouraged her a
couple of weeks ago to buy Feliway diffusers. I believe she's done this.
All ideas gratefully received.

Amber and Katya's relationship isn't getting any better.   I
basically didn't see Amber for two days.  She didn't come out from
underneath the bed except to eat and use the litter box.   Now she
sleeps on the bathroom rug and not in my room because Katya is in there.
I put up the gate keep Katya in the living room to allow Amber time to
roam a bit, but she doesn't.  I'll put her in the kitchen and she'll see
Katya and immediately either run back into the bathroom or underneath
the bed.  It breaks my heart to see Amber like this and I miss my cat.
I'm sad on so many levels.  I don't think I can keep Katya... I just
don't know what to do anymore.   Kerry, I'll definitely give you a call
tonight.  Right now, I just keep crying.  I'm so heartbroken, but I
don't know what else to do. <<<<

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