First suggestion - find another vet.  3-4 weeks is not long enough for her to throw off the virus if she is going to.  My vet recommends 6 months between tests.  Has the boy kitten been tested?
There are a number of ways to boost the immune system,  including high quality food and l-lysine.  Others will be able to tell you more on that.
I had a kitten who tested weak felv+ but came up negative later, along with the rest of her littermates.  So I have no direct experience with felv, but have stayed on this list because everyone is so great.   You have found a good place to be.
Take care.

On 10/27/06, Frullani, Anita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Help! Here is the situation -- in July I took 2 sick URI kittens (BooBo, female; and Wheezer, male) in from terrible living conditions in the City of Harrisburg -- the Mom cat was feral and was fixed and sent to live at a sanctuary. The kittens recovered. Both kittens were vaccinated for Felv once (although I had some trouble with the female's injection and some of the liquid came out the other side of the skin). I had to treat for fleas ith Revolution but of course now they have the fleas again (including all my 20

cats) and am waiting for the Advantage to come in from Australia. The male kitten got a 105 degree fever either in Sept or early Oct and received antibiotics and is fine now. A few weeks later, I used some pyrethrum powder for fleas as the 1st round of Advantage hadn't arrived via mail. The female had a reaction and had hematomias on

her ears and bleeding from the mouth (abscess). She was put on prednisone and it started going away but then she got a fever. She was getting clavamox for that and I didn't give her any more pred but then the spots came back all over her body. Took her back to the vet for a blood test -- results came in this am: Anemic, Platelet

down, Weak positive felv, re-rest Antigen 3 to 4 weeks. Vet recommends euthanasia if she re-tests positive as she can't keep getting viruses and the low blood platelet count and hemotomas are not good. Does anyone have any similar experiences, ways to boost the immune system, anything? She is so young and such a sweetheart.




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