Could the mass be an abscess, rather than a tumor?  What are they going to do to determine what it is?  You are both in my thoughts and prayers and I so hope that maybe it's something benign.  Even with the FeLV, I am hoping he will be well.

Peggy Ankney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks everyone for your responses.  Scooter’s blood work from Monday was good, says the vet (I asked for a copy of the results but I can’t interpret any of the numbers). I took him back to the vet this morning for his dental work.  They did an x-ray of his mouth and found a soft tissue mass, which could be a tumor, behind his molar on one side.  So a dental extraction isn’t the answer.  His temperature was only slightly elevated (102.8) but he was still very lethargic, though his lymph nodes weren’t swollen, so he didn’t have an obvious infection.  The vet gave him fluids and monitored him through the day.  I stopped by on the way home to see if he was any more alert, but he was sleeping (in the litter box).  I pulled him out and laid him on the soft fleece they provided, and took the towel and toy mouse from the carrier and put them in with him so he would have some familiar smells.  He just sat there while I petted him, but he did eat some canned food so that’s a very good sign.  The pain seems to be in his middle somewhere, because when I try to pick him up that’s when he growls.  Would a urinary track infection cause that?  I’ve decided I will likely keep him at the vet this weekend, since my husband and I are both going out of town.  I’d much rather he was at home, but if he’s still not eating or drinking at least this way I can be sure he’ll get food and water.  He didn’t look like he was bothered by being there – he’s still kind of out of it.  In fact, he didn’t seem very stressed or very much different from when he was at home.  I’m going to stop by again tomorrow afternoon on my way home from work.  I’ll ask about the possibility of a urinary infection.  How would they teest for that?
The vet did say that the mass could be a tumor, which could be cancer.  He tried to get me to see that the outlook wasn’t great since Scooter has FeLV, but they are going to continue with antibiotics and monitor his mouth to see if it clears up.  I’m hopeful, because of the way he was eating the canned food tonight.  He hadn’t had anything solid for a couple days.  The liver shakes were great – thanks to whoever sent in the recipe. 

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