Yes, mine are not caged either.  Most of the time when I see cages used it
is at the large shelters, such as the city animal shelter and the humane

No one stressed keeping numbers sane when I started doing this and my
numbers are not sane at this time.  But live and learn, and I'm not taking
any more in until I adopt several out.

On 11/27/06, Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  What you described is not the way all rescues operate.  Many use foster
> homes and have the cats in a normal cage-free home environment.  That's how
> I do things.  Once cats have been tested for FeLV and vaccinnated (and
> defleaed and dewormed) they are integrated into the foster home and sleep on
> beds, rampage through the house, and do all the normal things cats do.  We
> have adopters, after they have been  screened and approved, come to the
> foster home to meet the cat.  We also really try to keep numbers marginally
> sane so no one is stressed too badly; basically to keep a healthy
> environment.
> I have ONE kitten in a big condo cage at my house right now.  She's a
> little stray, maybe 4 months old, who I had been seeing around for the past
> few weeks.  Trapped her Saturday night, vaccinated Sunday.  She'll stay in
> the condo cage and foyer for a 14 day quarantine and then she'll join
> the others in the house.  That's about the only use I have for cages.
> > On 11/24/06, ETrent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > I know it isn't a perfect world...and I totally
> > support the ideal of
> > > rescuing kitties and making their lives better...I
> > just wish that there was
> > > some kind of guideline that ensured the welfare of
> > the rescued kitties.  My
> > > whole experience has left me very resentful of cat
> > rescues...and I am hoping
> > > to get some feedback from those of you who are
> > involved in this sort of
> > > thing.  I realize that I am myopic and perhaps you
> > can help me see more
> > > clearly.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > This certainly sounds bad.  There is a rescue around
> > here that I think of
> > as...well, questionable.  They take dogs out of the
> > pound every day and take
> > them around and display them in front of local
> > PetSmarts (which in and of
> > itself is a pretty good idea, I think).  The ones
> > who aren't adopted go back
> > to the pound at night:(.  Unfortunately several of
> > these dogs have been
> > adopted out and come down with distemper and parvo.
> > This made the local
> > news and the owner of this group stated that people
> > were taking a risk if
> > they adopted and they should be aware of that.  I
> > wasn't thrilled with that
> > statement either.
> >
> > BUT this group has done a lot of good, even if I am
> > not thrilled with their
> > methods.  Lots of dogs have found forever homes that
> > would otherwise have
> > been killed.  Same with the group I am now having
> > problems with.  They've
> > rehomed 5,000 cats.
> >
> > I'm just trying to make it my policy to not verbally
> > run down other rescue
> > groups or expend my efforts trying to get them shut
> > down.  I'm in this to
> > help cats, not get involved in politics.  I have to
> > remind myself of that
> > just about daily.  My model is Best Friends in
> > Kaneb, Utah, and they didn't
> > get to where they are today by spending all their
> > time trash talking other
> > rescues (not that I am suggesting you are trash
> > talking, this is just
> > something I see on a daily basis from people
> > involved in rescue - they'll
> > tell people "Oh, don't adopt a cat from x
> > rescue..they are a "bad rescue").
> >
> > Anyway, if you do not support this group's
> > practices, don't give them any
> > money.   Don't let them guilt you into giving them
> > money either.  If you
> > want to keep your money local, I would find another
> > rescue group.  Check
> > them out before you give them money.  Cats should
> > not be taken to adoption
> > days when ill - that's bad practice.  If they want
> > people to give them
> > money, the donors should be allowed to examine the
> > living conditions of
> > the cats.  I let people come by (with reasonable
> > notice, I don't want people
> > knocking on my door 24/7 or dumping off cats) and
> > check out my babies'
> > living conditions.
> >
> > I send a complete copy of all medical records home
> > with every cat I adopt,
> > always.  I get paperwork from my vet and put it in
> > the cat's file.  I am not
> > sure if he would release the paperwork to an adopter
> > or not, but it is my
> > job to do that not his.
> >
> > If you don't mind sending the money you have
> > earmarked to save cats out of
> > state, I would recommend checking out Best Friends
> > in Kaneb, Utah.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> >
> >
> >
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

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