Hi, I am worried about my 15 months old baby, Ghandi, whom I have seen
some changes in his behavior -- since October or so, he started to
behave a bit differently, he does not meow loud as he used to, and
started to hang out at a different place.. and hides more..and he had
lost about 1 lb or so for the past weeks, and got really nervous.. from
6.5 to 6.9 to 6.0 until a few days ago,, then  i have been feeding more
baby food and his weight is back up to 6.4 or 6.5 now-- he can eat
entire baby food jar at a time... one thing I noticed that he seems to
be a bit weak on hind legs.. he can walk with no problem  I think    but
let's say if i push him a little,, he can fall.. and I am really
nerovous about this for obvious reasons.. I have not done any blood work
except when I did early September, things were normal... I am thinking
that him being young, neuropathy is not common??  Please let me know if
you can think of other possibilities of causing this..--he is my bottle
baby and I just love him so very much.. along with ghandi, a couple of
other kitties have been FOI because of all the losses to dry FIP -also,
please pray that my Ayumi, Ghandi and baby Lizzy are going to get better
vfery soon (my Toni is doing much better now - thank you!)


thank you..  


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