Depends upon size/weight (NCI).

Here is one vet's opinion (dog dosing last paragraph):

Essential Fatty Acids
(EFAs)<>for improving
the health of dogs, cats, and other pets.

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are reponsible for basic cellular health in all
body tissues and are fundamentally important for all animals. Researchers
now consider EFAs to be as vital to our health and our pets' health as
vitamins and minerals. A dog or cat's immune system functions the same as
humans. EFAs play a major role in the maintenance of healthy coat and skin
for cats, dogs, and horses. Without essential fatty acids in our diets,
cells can not be formed or function efficiently. Like humans, animals also
use EFAs to produce hormone-like substances called eicosanoids, which are
involved in many important biological functions in the body. Essential fatty
acids are the building blocks for prostaglandins which work to regulate
hormones, immune and nervous systems plus cardiovascular function. This is
why these fatty acids are called "essential fatty acids" (EFAs).

A groundswell of nutrition conscious veterinarians are beginning to
recommend to their clients that they supplement their animals diet with a
daily dose of fish oil <>or flaxseed
oil, <>poured
right over the food. The vets are finding remarkable results in
clearing up skin conditions, relieving arthritic and inflammatory pain, as
well as improved over all pet health. Mr. Paul Stitt, while addressing a
scientific conference in North Dakota reported that flax increased bone
strength as well as improved the silkiness and sheen of animals fur. When
the diets of horses were fortified with flax, within three weeks their coats
developed a beautiful sheen, and dandruff was greatly diminished. Within 9
months cracked hooves were completely healed. When a pregnant mare was fed
flax, her offspring were larger, and grew faster than when previous to being
fed flax. (more on flaxoil for

Further research indicates that horses fed flax and injected with the deadly
organism Escherichia coli were better protected than those not fed flax,
suggesting enhanced immunity in these animals. Select Alaskan sled dog
mushers are fortifying their dogs diets with flax oil as it serves as a
source of valuable energy, keeps less desirable saturated fats mobile in the
blood stream, increases oxygen uptake to the cell, decreases recovery time
from strenuous exercise, and prevents and heals worn and chaffed paws.
Numerous studies conducted on animals and humans show that flax has powerful
anti-tumor properties and may reduce tumor size by 50%.

Dr. Broadhurst explains in a recent issue of Nutrition Science News that,
"because dogs have long coats and an excellent ability to burn fat for
energy, they need five to 10 times as much oil as humans to achieve
measurable clinical improvement." Thus, she recommends the following
regimen: Weeks one through six: one to six tablespoons daily, depending on
weight. (Use one to two tablespoons for dogs less than 20 pounds; use two to
four tablespoons for dogs 20 to 50 pounds; four to six tablespoons for dogs
over 50 pounds.) After six weeks or once improvement is noted, reduce dosage
to one-third to one-half.

*Link to Dr. Broadhurst:
(half way down page)*

Articles/information Dr. Broadhurst writes can be seen at: under Nutrition Science News and Health and Nutrition
Breakthroughs, under Herbs for Health, and at Also check out the Dr. Leigh Broadhurst Evolutionary
Diet plan at

Here are a couple of links from Nutrition Science News articles that Dr.
Leigh Broadhurst, PHd wrote:   I am sure there are more - I just started
going thru the archives.
On 12/15/06, Phaewryn - Controversy Queen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 How much flaxseed oil daily? A Tablespoon?


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