I would call the vet this morning before they close.  I have never heard of 
that and had many a cat spayed, in heat, and pregnant as well............

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hey guys,

Nilla Belle was brought home yesterday after her spay
Thursday. They wanted to keep her overnight because
she bled a lot because she was in heat and they said
they had to "wrap" her. I am not sure what all this
means, but now I notice she's peeing blood. She's
been in the house and we didn't let her out in time
and she peed on the tile. Yesterday it was medium
reddish yellow, but I just got up and noticed that she
peed twice more while we were sleeping and one of the
pees was the color of the other yesterday, but the
other was pretty red. The vet doesn't open for
another hour and a half, so I have to wait to call. 
If anyone is up out there (I am betting Nina isn't as
it's 4:30 am her time), do you know what could be
causing this? Can she pop a stitch and it bleed into
her bladder? That doesn't sound right. Maybe she has
had a UTI and we didn't know it? 

Any advice is appreciated,

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