Dear Marylyn, Leah, Michelle, Tonya, Diane R., Phaewryn, Barb, Elizabeth and 
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your responses.  Jimi came in at 
the crack of dawn and disappeared somewhere but when I woke up a few hours 
later, he was in bed with me, sleeping.  That was nice to see as he has shun my 
bed recently for my isolated areas.  He is gone again now but at least I know 
he is OK and not frozen solid.  

   Marylyn, your post helped a lot.  I am glad to read that maybe they like the 
coolness.  He does have some areas he could curl up in, an old dog house with 
fleece covers in it and I just put a carpet sample under the deck, too, thanks 
for the suggestion.  In case he gets out again.  

   Leah, I'm so sorry to read about your loss of Bubba.  I try to keep up with 
the posts but am so far behind right now.  I like how you described your last 
times with Bubba.  That is how I hope it will be for Jimi, too.  

   Michelle, your post made a lot of sense to me and I felt great comfort from 

   Diane, I think you are right about the talking to him.  He does seem to 
appreciate it and will slowly close his eyes in acknowledgement.  I do think he 
really hates the coercion more than anything right now (with trying to get meds 
and fluids and some A/D).

   Phaewryn, I appreciate your post.  He won't eat at all, though, so trying to 
tempt him with food will not work, I'm afraid.  He had severe stomatitis for 
years but now I think it has progressed down his esophagus or lower because his 
mouth looks good but it is painful for him to eat.

   Barb, thanks for sharing your own perspective and experience.  I'm sorry 
that you lost Ninja.  It is so hard to be an animal lover at times.

   Tonya, Elizabeth and Gloria, thank you so much for your caring messages and 
your prayers.  

   Many thanks and hugs,
Anne and Jimi Too Cool, Simms and Sophie

Frequently they want to be alone when they leave this world.  Perhaps it is 
easier for them to leave without their people around willing them to stay or 
perhaps they think it will be easier on their human friends if they do not have 
to watch.  Also, some like to feel the cool ground during their last 
while---some just want to be cool.  The Royal Princess Kitty Katt and Ebony 
Thomas Katt both sought out cold tiles over blankets and warm places.  I took 
Ebony outside to let him enjoy the earth while waiting for his vet on New 
Year's Eve night.   

Know that you are letting him do as he needs to even if it breaking your heart 
and frightening you.  He loves you for that.  Keep the cat door available to 
him and consider putting a blanket or something warm under the deck for him 
(this is more for you than for him). 


Dear Anne,

My heart goes out to you, since it was just 8 days ago since I lost my Bubba.

He, too, sought out hiding places shortly before he died.  I think that Jimi is 
trying to find a place to be alone more than anything else.  When Bubba finally 
became too weak to move around the apartment, I kept him right next to me so I 
could hold him and stroke him and talk to him.  That meant a lot to me and I 
think that it meant a lot to him, too, because even though I think he was in a 
coma at the end, his tail would switch and he would purr when I talked to him 
and stroked him.



What's happened since then?
I know it is distressing, and I would be trying to get him in too. But it  is 
true they want to do this, often, to die, and it is also true that  
hypothermia is supposed to be one of the most painless ways to die, and to help 
other kinds of pain, I think.  If he passes, or passed, outside, it  really may 
be the best thing.  Though I completely understand your  distress.


I'm sorry Anne.  Maybe he does want to be private.  I don't know.  You are both 
in my prayers.


Anne, I'm so sorry you have this added worry at a time like this.  But yes,
you're giving him a choice, and if he wants to come back in he will.  If you
know he's still alive, you could go out from time to time and just sit and
talk to him -- tell him his story, tell him what he means to you.  Do this
even if you can't see him just then.  This will help both of you.  He'll
know you're caring for him without trying to coerce him, and you will be
together in every way except physically.  Hugs to you both.

Diane R.

Well, he's his own man, at least if that is the way he chooses to go, he had
the free will and peace of choosing it. Really, I know it hurts, but you
couldn't possibly give him anything more than the freedom to choose. Animals
DO go off to die, but on the other hand, another member here (I think it was
this group) had the same thing happen a couple of months ago, and her cat
was found and didn't die (he just wanted some outside time really bad). The
only other alternative is to start digging out the deck, and that will be
stressful and scary for him. I would try enticing him out with tuna and
other tasty cat treats, if you haven't tried it already.



GLOW to you and Jimi.  I think what others have said about seeking solitude and 
cool is pertinent.  My Ninja chose several "sick" places where she didn't stay 
when feeling well, they were dark places I couldn't get to.  She sought them 
out while we were waiting for the time the vet could come over to help her to 
the Bridge.
Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito


I just want to add my voice to Diane R.'s.  My heart is with you  Anne.


Same here - sending prayers for Jimi Too Cool...

Gloria B. Lane

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