Hi Ashley,

I'm sorry to hear that Mr. Kitten is FeLV+, but happy
you have found us.  The two most important things you
can do to keep Mr. Kitten healthy is to keep him
stress-free and to get him on a great diet, which
includes immune-boosting supplements.  Many of us feed
our kitties Innova Evo, which has no grains as cats
cannot process grains, but there are other good cat
foods out there.  Pretty much anything you can buy at
Wal-Mart and most of what you can buy at Petco or
Petsmart are not good foods.  The good foods are
usually found at pet boutiques and online. 
Supplements that people usually use are L-lysine
(without the propynol glycol additive) and Vitamin C,
but there are others.  Again, welcome to the group
Ashley, and I hope that Mr. Kitten has many long years
ahead of him!

Dallas, Tx

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