Kerry, I very much hope you get your Christmas wish.  Get well and feel
better vibes to Bandy.

Diane R.
  -----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Kerry Roach
  Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2006 2:12 PM
  Subject: Re: Prayers needed for Bandy

  Bandy is in the hospital now..He had a very bad night..he threw up once
and still has watery stool...So I took him today even though they are
closed, I caught the vet tech there so she called his this point
she said he needed IV fluids which I have to agree...I just don't like him
being away..I can go visit twice a day when techs are there...since the
doctor will be out of town for couple of days...
  Anyway, the vet actually came in to put the IV in so I am glad of that and
she called me twice..last time was to let me know that she put some c/d in
there and he went right after it..
  I couldn't get him to eat at all since noon on she knew I would
want to hear that and it did make me feel better...
  We just have to get him feeling better for the trip to Dallas on Tues so
we can find out what is going on here and get on the right track..
  He is a fighter and I can see in his eyes, he isn't ready to give up...
  He did eat about a tsp of i/d for me this morning before I took him...
  Please keep praying for him to feel better..
  That is all the Christmas present I need...for my Bandy to be better and
back home..
  Thanks again for all the prayers and words of guys are
  Kerry, Bandy and Inky

  I do hope Whitey is feeling better soon...he is in our prayers..
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