The reglan actually seemed to make her feel worse-- very restless in addition 
to discomfort. That can be a side effect of it.

She will not eat the mush anymore, no matter what. She does want her raw food 
again, with the feline futures, and so she is eating that. She ate quite a 
bit of it today.  But then got uncomfortable at about 6 pm. She still looks out 
of it to me, but is laying in a normal position and ate some. But she does not 
want to be pet, which is unusual for her, and she only is like that when she 
is uncomfortable.

patches won't eat the turkey mush either at this point. They both decided to 
stop eating it. It is not the batch, because I made another batch. Patches and 
Ginger, when they ate canned food, used to simultaneously stop eating 
whatever flavor they had been insisting on for weeks, and I would think it was 
something wrong with the can and open another, but no, they just both decided 
boycott that flavor and wanted to switch. Patches and Lucy both seem to be 
that with the turkey mush now, which is ok for patches because she can eat 
other things, but not ok for Lucy.


In a message dated 1/1/2007 10:03:07 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
Hi Sweetie,
I'm sorry to hear Lucy is so uncomfortable.  Gypsy has been acting a little 
off the last few days too.  I'm so lucky that she doesn't seem to tire of her 
turkey mush.  I know that if I were to take to my bed she'd be in big trouble.  
She still needs me to pet her when she eats.  If Gypsy eats anything other 
than her mush, she becomes symptomatic again.  Did I read that you gave her 
reglan and it helped?  That's one of the things I reach for when she's doing 
hunched back, my tummy doesn't feel good, kind of thing.  Usually one dose is 
enough to help her, this last bout of not feeling great has been dragging on 
for her though.  I can tell she still doesn't feel her normal 85%.  Your 
supposition about her bowel cycle sounds right to me too, maybe it also has to 
with excess gas from the diet change.  Have you tried to reintroduce the mush, 
(or whatever she's been doing well on that she decided not to eat when she 
started having her tummy aches), earlier in the day when she's feeling better?

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