Hi Michelle,
Sorry to hear Lucy is having a tough time.  I only have limited experience with 
wet FIP, (12 week old Ally) and that wasn't confirmed by necropsy, but Lucy's 
symptoms do sound a bit different from what I saw.  Ally never seemed to be in 
any discomfort, even when her belly was quite distended.  I found the 
inappetance and depression to be less of an intermittent problem, and more of 
something that became gradually worse.  She responded very well to antibiotics 
for her initial URI, but within a couple of days of being off of it would start 
to sneeze again.  Other odd problems cropped up as her immune system began to 
fail.  She had teensy, pin-prick black dots of dried blood in one ear one day, 
than bright red swimmer's ear a couple of days later in the other ear, then 
began to get fevers that became less and less responsive to antibiotics.  
Somewhere between the swimmer's ear and the beginning of the fevers is when I 
started to notice her belly.  It seemed slightly distended (like a wormy 
kitten), and the area just in front of her hip bones seemed slightly sunken in 
a triangle shape.  It was very slight, but I was worried enough to mention it 
to the vet when I took her in, but the vet just prodded her a bit and didn't 
comment.  That was on a Thursday, by Sunday there was no question that her 
belly was filling with fluid, the triangle depression was quite obvious,her 
spine was protruding, the fever became worse, the antibiotics and steroids were 
doing nothing, she was glassy eyed and just wanted to snuggle under my chin and 
purr.  This is common enough that FIP is sometimes called "the purring 
I believe that with FIP, once you notice fluid the progression is usually very 
quick (Ally was maybe 1-1/2 weeks).
If Lucy is still eating that is good.  Does her spine feels muscled-over and 
flat, or raised and knobby?  I think that Ally's belly felt pretty firm.  If 
Lucy hasn't had any other illnesses (other than the ibd) lately, is eating and 
active, I would bet that it is ibd discomfort and not worry too much about FIP. 

Best wishes,

Original Message: 
I spoke to my vet about lucy, and he did not see a reason to bring her in. He 
agreed that her discomfort for a few hours in the evening is probably related 
to her ibd and to up her flagyl and pred a little.

I have, though, probably irrationally, started worrying about wet FIP.  Her 
sides look a little pooched out to me, which may just be that she had lost some 
weight for the couple weeks she did not want her turkey mush and looks a bit 
skinny all over and has just started gaining it back so may be gaining it back 
in her tummy first. But, not knowing why she is getting uncomfortable for a few 
hours a day, and being paranoid about fip, I started worrying that maybe the 
poochiness is fluid accumulation. I looked for a wet fip photo online but can 
not find one.  I found info on wet fip symptoms, and it did say that fluid 
accumulation can happen slowly and that other symptoms can be intermittent 
inappetance and depression.  Does anyone think she could have fip? When she is 
not having the discomfort, she is pretty normal, maybe a slight bit less active 
than usual, but she is eating quite a bit.  When cats get wet fip, are the 
symptoms normally constant? Should I be worried about this? And is fluid 
accumulation very obviously fluid, or could it look sort of like tummy weight 
gain (i.e. when I look at her from behind, her butt looks thin and I can see 
her sides sticking out a bit, rather than just chubby all over like my other 
cats). Does the fluid feel mush like water, or firm? If I press on her belly, 
it just feels like her stomach is bigger.

Thanks for any thoughts or advice.  I think if I call my vet and ask him this 
he will think I have gone round the bend, but I am feeling anxious.


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