I was taking them so frequently last night because it was so high and the  ER 
told me that if it stopped going down at any point I needed to bring her in.  
I've taken it a total of 3 times since last night, once this am and twice 
this  afternoon.  I will not take it again for a few hours. Thanks for the 4 
In a message dated 1/17/2007 12:30:02 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

At 09:21  PM 1/16/2007, you wrote:

Be nice...give her a break from temps. We only  take patients temps every 4 
hours at the most. 
Look at the kitty...not the  numbers.. Sort of like we say at work, Look at 
the patient not the  machines,
So glad she is feeling better, Eating is a much better  indication,


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