I'm sure you're both exhausted. I'm glad she seems to be resting more comfortably right now. Do your best to be vigilant, not scared. Have faith not fear. If not faith in a higher power, or a higher good, at least faith that you and she know what's best, faith in your own judgement and instinct. I ALWAYS weigh the benefit against the stress of any vet visit. You've already been to the best vet you know, they've done testing, as is so very often the case, they still don't have a definitive diagnosis. What more could they do for her at this point? I think she would be better off regaining some of her strength before you put her through more testing. If the worst happens and she begins to fail, at least, (not so very "least" imho), she'll be in the loving comfort of her home with you by her side. I know how hard it is to wait and see when someone's sick, I'm always afraid that I'm wasting time that could be used to find THE answer. How did Leslie put it? Something about a dance, not knowing where to place your foot. I found the quote:

"Take a breath. Look out the window. Just pause. The next step is right there, your foot is raised to take it, and you're doing amazing ballet in pivoting to all angles before deciding where to put it and that's okay."

We're all here with you and Lucy, sending you love and strength,

I want to also. She is curled up sleeping now, but her back legs seemed very unsteady when she stood up to change position, and it seemed like she kind of collapsed back onto the towel. Apparently paresis, or rear leg paralysis, can be a neurological sign of FIP, so this is scaring me. Of course, she is also anemic and was through something very rough today, so maybe she is just super-exhausted.

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