Michelle - don't let BP issue stop using epogen though in the future -
you just need to watch it - if BP goes over 170 or something, you can
give norvasc to control BP so that she won't become blind - you can do
certain things to prevent it -


If you haven't please read this link - it's mainly for CRF kitties -
abut it has a great information regarding anemia..





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 12:26 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Lucy--what to do?-- anyone have acemannan??


Thanks, Hideyo. Yes, if anyone has any acemannan-- can I please buy some
from you??  If we use it, I don't think we can wait until February. I
kind of doubt Lucy will last that long without something to turn her


her gums are mostly gray, with only a few pink spots, so it is hard to
tell. Those spots are still somewhat pink, but it could be from inflamed
gums, as those spots are right over the canines.  Her paw pads are still
pink, though not as pink as usual. No less pink than yesterday, though.
But the vet said you can't always tell from gums and paw pads.  i asked
the oncologist if they checked her reticulite count to see if she is
regenerative or not, and he said that they did not and there was no
point until they know if she has cancer, because if she does have
lymphoma the anemia should respond to chemo (but he does not think it's
cancer, so why not check it so we know more if it is not???). He is
getting annoyed at this point by my phone calls and questions and acts
very curt on the phone. He is not a vet who is impressed by a client
having knowledge, he is a vet who is annoyed by it. My local vet is more
willing to work with me, but at this point wants to defer to the
specialists because he feels they know more than he does. Since Lucy
does seem to have a heart murmer now and enlarged heart (which they said
could be from the anemia) the point about epogen raising blood pressure
does scare me some, and makes me want to try it under a vet's watch if
possible.  I have been noticing that I can see her pulse on her neck,
though it might just be because she is shaved.  When her fever was
really high her irises in her eyes were also pulsating a bit, which
Phaerwyn found could be from a heart problem.  So given these things, I
am a little more scared about epogen now knowing about the blood
pressure issue.  Of course, if her HCT keeps going down that will kill
her, and epogen doesn't work right away so should be started as soon as
possible, which leaves me in a quandary. 


She ate a few more pieces of dry EVO. As long as she is eating a little
bit of dry I am loathe to syringe her.  I did syringe her 3 cc's of raw
food this morning, probably another cc of it with her lysine pill, she
ate a capful of baby food, and at this point probably 20 or 30 pieces of
dry EVO. About 10 minutes ago I pet her and, for the first time in 2
days, she stood up to be pet and started rubbing her face on a bag of
catnip on her box. I gave her some catnip and she ate it and then rubbed
her face in it, and then curled up and went to sleep. I think she feels
better when her fever comes down for a while, and that is when she eats
a little and wants to be pet more. For the last few days she got
feverish only in the afternoon to night; now it seems on and off all




In a message dated 1/19/2007 1:28:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

        Acemmanan might be back ordered - I order for my dog, JoJo a
month ago and it's not available until February-if anyone has in their
hand, please let Michelle know --  - do you think he will prescribe
epogen?    Please keep an eye on her gum as if her PCV goes now, you
might want to really pay attention to that.


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